Smallholder Poultry

Millhouse layers pellets
Crude protein level 16%
Ideal as a single stage ration for laying poultry, for good health and productivity.
Feed from point of lay onwards. Feed Ad-Lib.
Not suitable for feeding to Breeding Poultry

Millhouse layers meal
Crude protein level 16%
Ideal as a single stage ration for to laying poultry, for good health and productivity.
Feed from point of lay onwards. Feed Ad-Lib.
Not suitable for feeding to Breeding Poultry

Poultry Breeder pellets
Crude Protein 18%
A general-purpose poultry breeding diet that contains all the essential minerals, trace elements and vitamins to support bird health and productivity and ensure good fertility and hatchability.
To be fed from point of lay onward.
Feed ad-lib

Poultry Starter crumbs + ACS
For feeding to chicks from day old up to 4-6 weeks of age. Fed as a crumb to help encourage good early appetite to support optimum growth and development.Contains ACS (anticoccidial) as standard to help control coccidiosis. Feed Ad-Lib.

Poultry Grower pellets + ACS
Crude protein 16%
A short cut pellet to be fed from 5-7 weeks:
For layer replacements feed up to a maximum age of 16 weeks before moving onto a layer ration
For meat type birds feed to 8 weeks and then transfer to poultry finisher pellets. Withdrawal period: 1 day.
Feed Ad-Lib.
Contains ACS (anticoccidial) as standard to help control coccidiosis.

Poultry Finisher Pellets (for meat / table type birds)
Crude protein 15%
A plain diet to be fed from 9 weeks of age to finish (80-100 days). Develops a bird that has confirmation and finish (fat cover) in keeping with the strain of bird being grown. Feed Ad-Lib.

Turkey Starter crumbs
Crude protein 26%
A high-quality crumb containing highly digestible ingredients for good gut development and to encourage the poults to eat in the first few days of life. The correct balance of vitamins and minerals will promote early feathering and help to develop a good body frame.
Feeding guide: Feed upto 6 weeks of age & then move into Turkey Grower 20. Feed Ad-Lib.
Contains a coccidiostat to aid in the control of coccidiosis.

Turkey Grower 20
Crude protein 20%
A high quality, high energy diet designed to achieve rapid growth and good frame development.
Feeding guide: Feed after the Starter from 7 weeks through to 12 weeks if age.
Contains a coccidiostat to aid in the control of coccidiosis. Withdrawal period 1 day. Feed Ad-Lib,

Turkey Finisher pellets
Crude protein 17%
A high energy feed designed to build up the lean meat and then lay down a sub-cutaneous layer of fat under the skin to give a firm white finish. It is essential to feed finisher to obtain a top-quality visual appearance.
Feeding guide: Feed from 13 weeks through to finish. Feed Ad-Lib.
No withdrawal period.
Delivery Available

Tote Bags


25Kg Bags
“The feeding ages/quantities detailed for each product are meant as a guide only. For more specific details please refer to breed guides or contact one of our Feed Specialists”
“Ensure a supply of fresh clean water is available at all times”
“Crude protein levels are a guide only, please refer to feed label for detailed declarations”
Animal Feeds
Pig Feeds
Dairy Feeds
Lamb & Sheep Feeds
Game Feeds
Commercial Poultry
Calf & Growing Feeds
Beef Feeds
Turkey Feeds