Pig Feeds
Mauris porta nulla vitae aliquam luctus. Vestibulum non tempus libero. Sed ultricies diam ligula, vitae vestibulum lectus aliquam ut. Quisque ut justo a arcu luctus hendrerit nec at nisi. Nullam pulvinar rutrum faucibus.
Pig Feeds
Welcome to the Massey Feeds Website, providing visitors with the latest technical and commercial information about our comprehensive range of products and services. In addition to our standard bulk delivery service we operate Cash and Carry facilities from both our Mills at Holmes Chapel and Preston, as well as our Bag Store at Longnor. Just drive-in, pay and collect.
We are a family business with over 100 years experience with a reputation for investing in the latest technology. We have constantly reinvested in all aspects of the business to give us the solid foundations from which we have grown.
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FiMLAC RANGE | A top energy diet designed to be fed to high yielding high genetic potential cows looking to improve or maintain fertility, health and milk quality. Formulated to the protein the cow utilises and not crude protein and including the unique Massey FiMLAC mineral pack. |
SuperLac Range | High energy feeds containing the unique Massey FiMLAC mineral pack. This range is designed for mid-to-high yielding cows that will help to maintain cow performance. |
ExtraLac Range | A mid energy feed with a high RSV (rumen stability value) to complement home grown forages at a competitive price. |
ProMilk Range | A diet designed for the average yielding herd where feed cost is a driving factor. |
FIMLAC Dry Cow Rolls | FiMLAC Dry Cow Rolls are designed to be fed at 2kg per head per day for the last 3 weeks pre-calving. They contain the unique FiMLAC mineral pack along with plenty of magnesium to support a healthy cow and calf. Niacin is included to help maintain liver function. |
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