Moist & Liquid Feeds
Massey Feeds are able to offer a range of moist feeds for clamping / feeding. Contracts are available on most products.

Brewer's Grains
Moist co-product from barley suitable for all ruminants

Super Grains
A palatable moist feed comprising cooked cereal co-products from grain whisky manufacture.

Massey Feeds is able to supply a wide range of molasses & molasses blends delivered direct from our suppliers.
Molasses is extracted from raw sugar & is an economical & palatable source of fermentable energy making it a valuable ingredient in Dairy, Beef & Sheep
Animal Feeds
Pig Feeds
Dairy Feeds
Lamb & Sheep Feeds
Game Feeds
Commercial Poultry
Calf & Growing Feeds
Beef Feeds
Turkey Feeds