Commercial Poultry
Massey Feeds have designed diets to maximise the genetic potential of your laying hen. We have a range of diets that can be selected according to your specific market ie egg size or number and depth of yolk colour. Whether you are a producer retailer or contracted to a packer we have a range of layer diets that will help you maximise the production and marketing potential of your business.
We also produce bespoke diets for those producers with special needs.
“Yolk colour is specific to your market requirements. Please discuss your requirements with your Massey Poultry Specialist”

Pre-Lay Meal
Approx. age of feeding: 16 – 17 weeks. Feed to point of lay pullets at transfer for 1 week and not beyond 18 weeks of age.
Suitable for Free Range and Colony Layers.>
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Layer Super Start Meal
Crude protein 18%
A very high energy dense ration designed to promote the development of the pullet into a productive laying hen, focusing on body weigh gain and early egg size. To be fed on housing or straight after pre lay. Available with natural yolk pigment. Suitable for feeding to Free Range Layers
Feed Ad-Lib

Layers No.1 Meal
Crude protein 17.5%.
A high energy dense ration formulated to maintain excellent performance in post peak/mid lay. Encourages excellent feed efficiency and optimal egg size for your market. An all round diet suitable for feeding throughout the laying cycle if phase feeding is not an option.
Suitable for Free Range Layers.
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Layers No 2 Meal
Crude protein 17%
A medium energy dense ration formulated to maintain excellent performance and efficient feed intake in the middle/second half of the cycle. Designed to control egg size.
Suitable for Free Range Layers.
Feed Ad-lib

Layers No 3 Meal
Crude protein 16.5%
Suitable for feeding at the end of the laying period, when maintaining existing levels of production are crucial and a cost effective diet is required.
Suitable for Free Range Layers. Feed Ad-Lib

Early Lay Meal
Crude protein 17.5%
A very high energy dense ration designed to promote the development of the pullet into a productive laying hen, focusing on body weight gain and early egg size. To be fed on housing or straight after pre lay.
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Designed for use in Colony Layers.

Peak Lay Meal
Crude protein 17%
A high energy dense ration formulated to maintain excellent performance in post peak/mid lay. Encourages excellent feed efficiency and optimal egg size for your market. Approx. age of feeding: 25/27 – 40/45 weeks
Suitable for Colony Layers.
Feed Ad-lib

Mid Lay Meal
Crude protein 16%
A medium energy dense ration, formulated to maintain excellent performance and efficient feed intake. In the middle/second half of the cycle. Designed to control egg size. Approx. age of feeding: from 61/66 weeks onwards
Suitable for Colony Layers. Feed Ad-Lib.

Late Lay Meal
Crude protein 15.5%
Suitable for feeding during the later stages of the laying cycle to help maintain production whilst controlling egg size and supporting egg shell quality. Approx. age of feed: from around 75 weeks to the end of lay
Suitable for Colony Layers. Feed Ad-Lib.

End Lay Meal
Crude protein 15%
Suitable for feeding at the end of the laying period when maintaining existing levels of production are crucial but a cost effective diet is needed. Approx. age of feeding: 61/66 week to end of lay
Suitable for Colony Layers.
Masseys provide a pullet feeding programme that will produce a strong, fit and healthy bird ready for transfer and point of lay so that her genetic potential can be exploited. We have a 4 diet programme all carefully designed to follow each other with seemless steps.
Check weight the birds periodically throughout the rearing period against the breeders target weights.
“For further advice on feeding programmes for different systems please contact one of our Poultry Specialists”

Pullet Starter Crumbs
Pullet Starter crumbs (plain or with ACS): For feeding to chicks from day old up to 3-4 weeks of age. A crumb to help encourage good early appetite to support optimum growth and development to ensure target growth rate and early feathering
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Pullet Chick Meal
Pullet chick meal (available plain or with ACS). To be introduced between 4-5 weeks of age and can be fed ad-lib up to 8-9 weeks. This diet ensures continued development of the gut and skeleton and prepares the development of the chick into the adolescent bird
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Pullet Grower Meal
Pullet grower meal (plain or ACS) To be introduced between 8-9 weeks and can be fed ad-lib up to transfer at 16 weeks. If the birds are on or above target at 14 weeks they can be moved to the developer.
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Pullet Developer Meal
Pullet Developer meal (plain) To be introduced at 12+ weeks. If the birds are on/overweight for age. It is used to reduced the feed cost per bird but is not essential.
Feed ad-lib to 16 weeks.
Massey Feeds have a broiler feeding programme with a range of coccidiostats to help maximise the broiler performance on your farm.
“Contact one of our Poultry Specialists for specific advice on feeding programmes and anticoccidial options”

Broiler Starter Crumbs
An excellent quality crumb to support good early feed intake. To be fed from day old through to 9 days of age.
Approx. feeding quantity: 250kg per 1000 birds
Contains ACS (anticoccidial) for the aid in prevention of coccidiosis. Feed Ad-Lib

Broiler Grower Pellets
A short cut pellet to ensure seamless transfer from the crumb at around 10 days of age.To be fed from 10 – 25 days of age.
Approx. feeding quantity: 1500kg per 1000 birds
Contains ACS (anticoccidial) for the aid in prevention of coccidiosis.
Refer to feed label for withdrawal period. Feed Ad-Lib

Broiler Finisher Pellets
To be fed from 26 days of age through to finish.
Available with ACS (anticoccidial) for the aid in prevention of coccidiosis or as a plain diet.
Refer to feed label for withdrawal period. Feed Ad-Lib
For use with TFTA birds. Suitable for white or bronze birds, pole barn or free-range systems.
Designed to produce a bird with excellent conformation, finish and plucking ability and minimise feed cost per kg. Excellent crumb and pellet quality and careful selection of ingredients between diets assist with this

Turkey Starter Crumbs
High quality crumbs containing highly digestible ingredients to encourage turkey poults to eat in the first few days of life and help develop a healthy gut. The correct balance of vitamins and minerals will promote early feathering and help to develop a good body frame.
Feeding Guide:
3 stage programme: Feed upto 6 weeks of age & them move onto the Turkey Grower 20
4 stage programme; Feed upto 3 weeks of age & then move onto the Turkey Grower 23
Contains a coccidiostat. Feed Ad-Lib

Turkey Grower 23 Pellets
A short cut pellet to help with the transition from the Starter crumb as early as 4 – 6 weeks of age.
To be used a part of a 4 stage feeding programme, feeding from 4 – 7 weeks of age.
Contains a coccidiostat. Feed Ad-Lib

Turkey Grower 20 Pellets
A high quality, high energy diet designed to achieve rapid growth and good frame development.
Feeding guide:
3 stage programme: feed after the Starter from 7 weeks up to 12 weeks of age
4 stage programme: feed after the Grower 23 from 7 weeks up to 12 weeks of age
Contains a coccidiostat. Withdrawal period 1 day. Feed Ad-Lib

Turkey Finisher Pellets
It is essential to feed finisher to obtain a top-quality visual appearance.
No withdrawal periods.

Turkey Heavy Finisher Pellets
This diet has been designed for birds that are 20+ weeks at kill. It reduces the total feed cost, it can also be introduced earlier to help slow growth rate of the birds are too heavy.
No withdrawal periods.
Delivery Available

Tote Bags


25Kg Bags
“The feeding ages/quantities detailed for each product are meant as a guide only. For more specific details please refer to breed guides or contact one of our Feed Specialists”
“Ensure a supply of fresh clean water is available at all times”
Animal Feeds
Pig Feeds
Dairy Feeds
Lamb & Sheep Feeds
Game Feeds
Commercial Poultry
Calf & Growing Feeds
Beef Feeds
Turkey Feeds